#WorkLifeWeek – The Smart Solution to Work-Life Harmony
5th October 2018 OffToday is the last day of #WorkLifeWeek! This initiative is very close to our hearts at Abodoo as we believe #SmartWorking is the true key to achieving work-life harmony, supporting health, wellbeing, families and happiness! National Work Life Week is an annual campaign organised by the charity Working Families in UK. During the first week of October (1st-5th), the…
SmartWorkers by Sector – UK & Ireland [Infographic]
5th September 2018 OffAs technology continues to transform the way we live, shop, talk and learn, so too is it changing the way we work. People from all walks of life are embracing SmartWorking and the positive changes that come with it. By choosing to smart work (be it remote, flexible, co-working or hybrid), an average smart worker…
Why SmartWorking Works For Contact Centres
31st August 2018 OffOld News Two years ago, more than four hundred homeworkers (or Home Agents) and their employers took part in a survey conducted by the United Kingdom Contact Centre Forum. The results were overwhelmingly positive and clearly expressed the benefits of flexible working for both parties. The Results Employers: 58% now employ SmartWorkers. 69% said their…