Tag: SFA

Smart Business Workshops Roadshow 2019

18th January 2019 Off

We’re delighted to be joining forces our partners at Vodafone and the Small Firms Association (SFA), for a series of regional workshops aimed at Irish businesses. The Smart Business Workshops will offer tips on smart working, HR and profit growth. The workshop series will take place between January and April 2019 in co-working spaces in the SIRO-powered hub,…

By Louise O'Conor

Press: Vodafone, SFA & Abodoo join forces to help firms embrace smart working

7th January 2019 Off

As covered in SiliconRepublic, we’re delighted to be working with our wonderful partners at Vodafone and with the Small Firms Association (SFA) to help companies embrace smart working and the future of work. A series of workshops and Open Conversations will be held between January and April 2019 in Siro-powered co-working spaces across Ireland, including: The Mill in…

By Louise O'Conor