Tag: lifestyle

Top 10 Remote Working Trends of 2019

14th March 2019 Off

As remote working becomes more and more prevalent in the professional world, we took the time to identify the top 10 predicted remote working trends of 2019. 1) Demanding flexibility from employers Now more than ever, workers who are millennials and Gen Z are comfortable advocating for flexibility from their employers. They can see how…

By Abigail Stack

Coworking As An International Sensation

20th February 2019 Off

In 2019, there is no need to drag yourself to an office that is in an inconvenient location, uncomfortable setting, or unappealing coworkers. Coworking eliminates all negatives associated with the normal office setting. What is Coworking? Coworking is when professionals gather in a communal space, typically a modernized office setting, to complete their work tasks.…

By Abigail Stack

No. 1 Reason Why We Love SmartWorking

21st December 2018 Off

Our 12 Days of Christmas Countdown series has officially come to an end. To celebrate, we are sharing the No. 1 Reason Why We Love SmartWorking. #AbodooChristmasCountdown 🎄    Vanessa: “I LOVE SmartWorking for the freedom and empowerment it gives me to live my life, have an amazing career and be there for my family…

By Thomas Murray

7 Reasons Why I Love SmartWorking

15th December 2018 Off

Day 7 of our 12 Days of Christmas series has guest blogger Jonathan deBurca Butler give us his 7 Reasons Why He Loves SmartWorking. 🎄 1. No More Commute I get an extra hour of life everyday because I don’t have to commute. Don’t get me wrong, some people use it very productively. I know…

By Thomas Murray

12 Best Cities For SmartWorking

10th December 2018 Off

Our 12 Days of Christmas Countdown begins with the 12 Best Cities for SmartWorking. 12. Basel, Switzerland Located on the Rhine River near the borders of France and Germany, Basel makes an ideal city for SmartWorkers as it has high wages and fast internet speeds. 11. Luxembourg City, Luxembourg You’ll find it hard to feel…

By Thomas Murray

SmartWorking Means More Time For Family

31st October 2018 Off

It’s Halloween, which means families all over the world are painting faces, donning witches’ hats and preparing for an evening of scares, dares and good old fun. But for many parents, Halloween is just another work day where they miss out on their kids’ first or even twelfth Halloween. Maybe if they’re lucky, a kindly…

By Thomas Murray

The Good Summit Conference 2018

19th October 2018 Off

WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 24 Trinity College, Dublin We’re honoured and delighted to be joining an incredible line-up of speakers at The Good Summit in Trinity College Dublin next week. Such an incredible story and important topic. The Good Summit Story Somewhere in the historic annals of Trinity College Dublin’s House 27, c.2014, a bright young energetic…

By Louise O'Conor

Ireland’s Best Workplaces 2018

3rd October 2018 Off

What makes a workplace appealing to you? Is it a warm friendly environment? Good amenities? Employee benefits? Opportunities available? In recent reports, Uber, VICE, Amazon, and now Snapchat have proven that the biggest and shiniest companies aren’t necessarily the best places to work. While big names, high salaries, and comfortable benefits may attract employees, they…

By Chloe Sullivan

Choosing Office Space: The World is your Oyster

19th September 2018 Off

“Employers should focus on their employees output rather than their location. Rather than worrying about the number of hours people are sitting at a desk, they should be worrying about what they’re producing.” And we couldn’t agree more! This week, we took a closer look at one of Idealog’s latest articles, which included some of the…

By Chloe Sullivan