Tag: climate change

Nations Against Emissions

13th December 2018 Off

Green technology, renewable energies, cutting carbon emissions.Meet the countries and their measures to combat the threat of climate change. Global carbon emissions in 2018 hit their highest record (37 billion tonnes) and is sure to increase in 2019. A report by UN revealed that the planet will get 3.2C warmer by the end of this…

By Vithoria Escobar

The UN Climate Change Ultimatum

8th October 2018 Off

According to a landmark UN report published today, a future of worsening droughts, forest fires and floods awaits us unless we act now. The report asks nations around the world to make drastic changes regarding carbon emissions and to keep global temperatures within the 1.5C-2C range over the next decade. “It’s a line in the…

By Thomas Murray