What To Do With Your Free Time
So, you’re a SmartWorker now, eh?
What are you gonna do with all that free time?
Don’t worry, we’re here with some suggestions as to how you can easily better yourself.
Healthy Eating
Cooking takes time, so it’s no surprise that we often find ourselves reaching for an oven pizza or chicken kiev after a long commute. Processed food might seem like a simple, quick-fix solution, but they’re not good for us in the long run. Now that you’ve got more time, why not dedicate some of it to making healthy meals.
With more time to research nutritious recipes, your trips to the supermarket are sure to become a weekly highlight. Transform every breakfast, lunch and dinner into a celebration of healthiness as you become a calorie-concious guru of gourmet.
Exercise More
Why waste your morning listening to traffic updates and contemporary “music” when you can work on reaching peak physical perfection.
The average commuter spends more that €2,200 on travel expenses each year. The average gym membership costs somewhere between €250-€350 per year. When one looks at the long term benefits of being fit and healthy, it doesn’t take much to realise that it pays to get regular exercise.
Sort Your Life Out
It’s a term I often find myself using when I need to do something as simple as visit the credit union, but sorting your life out can prove extremely difficult when you work the usual nine-to-five, Monday-Friday grind.
With your new-found free time, you’ll be able to do all the things you used to wait until the weekend to do. Things like visiting the barber, the bank, and certain shops and businesses can now be taken care of before or after work, or even during lunch breaks.
Read More
It’s a hobby a lot of people neglect once they leave secondary school, but reading is a great source of entertainment and knowledge. Why not work on improving your intellect by reading books either for pleasure or self-improvement.
Reading has been scientifically proven to decrease stress, increase vocabulary, improve analytical thinking, sharpen concentration and strengthen memory. Not bad for something you can get for free from your local library.
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