6 Common Smart Working Misconceptions That Can Hamper Professional Growth

6 Common Smart Working Misconceptions That Can Hamper Professional Growth

25th March 2019 Off By Priyanka Athavale

Smart working is not a recent phenomenon, but it has surely caught the fancy of many professionals and companies in the recent years. There has been an increase in the number of remote teams in the past years, with an estimated 4.2 million remote workers in the UK in 2015. In 2020, half of the UK workforce is expected to be working remotely. Although these numbers are staggering, there are still some common misconceptions about managing remote teams which can prove to be harmful for both, employee and organisational growth. This article aims to debunk some of these misinterpretations.

Common Misconceptions About Smart Working

#1. Smart working arrangements do not benefit the company

Although a popular belief, it is completely misplaced. Smart working has a number of benefits for organisations as well. For starters, companies can save rent on office space and instead invest in booking co-working spaces for remote teams from time to time. Secondly, smart working is known to boost productivity, reduce absenteeism, and improve employee morale. Finally, the biggest advantage of creating remote teams is the instant access that companies get to a global talent pool. This helps them find the perfect candidates for positions, thereby reducing turnover.

#2. Smart workers can be paid less

Just because smart workers commute less or work from home does not, and should not, affect their pay. The salary for a role depends on the required experience, speciality, responsibilities and tasks, and skill set. The place of work does not decide the pay. Organisations should pay all their employees fair wages depending on the role irrespective of where they work from.

#3. Hiring a global workforce is easy

Not entirely. Companies should be mindful of the rules and regulations of each State and country when hiring remote employees. There is paperwork and cost involved. It is best to be aware of the legalities before proceeding to hire global employees to avoid problems later on.

#4. Remote employees don’t need any perks

Perks are a great way of showing employees that their hard work and dedication is appreciated. However, companies should remember that remote employees also work equally hard in their jobs even though their place of work is different. Consider purchasing co-working space memberships for remote employees. Have monthly meet-ups or team lunches and invite your remote team as well. You can also send them some vouchers or gift cards as a token of appreciation. It goes a long way in boosting morale and productivity.

#5. Smart working involves spending

Many companies believe that remote employees are not entitled to company resources because they work from home. On the contrary, employees do need resources to do their work, like a strong internet connection, a good laptop, or a robust operating software. Companies should offer employees some instruments or ensure that they are fairly compensated for the costs incurred during work hours.

#6. Smart working hampers productivity

One of the biggest misconceptions surrounding smart working is that it negatively affects productivity. On the contrary, offering flexible working options to employees has had a proven positive effect on performance, productivity and morale, and turnover is greatly reduced. Smart working improves job satisfaction.

In Conclusion

Smart working has a number of benefits for organisations and employees. Holding these aforementioned misconceptions will hamper growth and progress. The key is to identify them in time so that they can be tackled effectively. This will help companies build a successful smart working culture.