The Benefits of Remote Working for Parents
Working 9-5 isn’t practical when you have kids. Unfortunately, school times aren’t flexible and dropping off and picking up your children from school can sometimes be impossible if you’re working in an office.
In the UK, all employees have the legal right to request flexible working – not just parents and carers, although, very few people actually feel confident enough to make this request.
A majority of companies already embrace remote work, one study showed that nearly 63 percent of companies have full-time employees who work outside the office. But they may not have the policies in place to support it. While most feel they have the resources and processes to enable remote work, the majority (57 percent) lack a defined remote work policy.
This means for parents, not knowing where you stand with your company can leave you feeling exhausted. When it comes to the school pick-up, expensive childminders are one option, or asking family and friends to help is another, but why deal with the stress when remote working could be the answer to your flexibility issues.
Will I earn less as a remote worker?
When thinking about taking a step into remote working, there’s a misconception that you will receive lower earnings/salary. However, this isn’t the case. In the past, the odds of finding a flexible job that pays well were slim pickings. But as more companies embrace SmartWorking, it means you can get paid the same salary to work from home.
One study conducted by Apartment List, a research company in the US, found that remote workers and super commuters in America actually earned more than their professional counterparts.
Despite remote workers now receiving a similar wage (if not more) than office workers, one study from FlexJobs of 1,100 working parents with children under age 18, 84 percent rank work-life balance ahead of salary. The survey also found that 82 percent of working parents are much more interested in telecommuting, and 74 percent prefer to have a flexible schedule rather than freelance.
Is remote working right for me?
Remote working is a great option not just for parents, but also for anyone that wants to find a better work/life harmony.
Flexibility is key for remote workers and choosing when, where and how often you work removes the daily stress of trying to make childcare arrangements, it also gives you back the control.
How do I start my SmartWorking journey
Abodoo is a #SmartWorking platform that can help you find your dream, flexible career. You can register in minutes, add yours skills and experience then start matching with remote working jobs.
Say goodbye to the 9-5. Find your SmartWorking career by registering on Abodoo today!