Confessions of a SmartWorking Intern: Week 3

Confessions of a SmartWorking Intern: Week 3

10th August 2018 Off By Chloe Sullivan


Week 3… my goodness. Where has the time gone!? It seems like only yesterday Thomas and I were discussing our ideas on how best to go about creating digital content. And yet here we are!

Not going to lie, I have been feeling a little miserable this week as I came down with a nasty flu after the weekend. I don’t get sick often, but when I do it’s usually my body’s way of telling me to take more care. Luckily, I am able to continue working from home with plenty of hot tea breaks and warm soup. On most other days, I work in my part time job which can be physically demanding at the best of times and the thought of running around town during rush hour, feeling claustrophobic on a clammy train makes me feel faint. So undoubtedly, I’m very glad that this week wasn’t a total write off as I was able to continue a lot of my work by SmartWorking from home. 🙂

Another highlight for me this week has been to see our progress.  Both Thomas and I are expanding our skill set every single day and we have really started to notice it this week. We had a Zoom call with our Digital Marketing Exec who gave us a tutorial on design software. We learnt how to create social postings from another marketing tool and in general, we are both getting more confident in carrying out our tasks and it really is uplifting and motivating to see the progress. Long may it last!


Having done absolutely nothing over the bank holiday weekend except chill at home, I was beginning to feel a little cooped up this week. It wasn’t all bad. I went for a game of golf for the first time in two years on Monday and then the cinema on Tuesday evening. But it felt like every time I sat down to do work, someone in the house was looking for something, usually a lift somewhere. This is what happens when you’re suddenly one of the few members of the household that can drive. I shouldn’t complain though. It’s not their fault they can’t drive (remember my sister’s popped out knee?) Despite this, I couldn’t help but feel like the only time I had peace this week was the twenty-four hours when the car was getting serviced.

The reason I did absolutely nothing last weekend is because I’m going camping on the Donegal coast this weekend. As Chloé said, we’ve been learning a lot these last few weeks – things like Google Analytics and other essential skills I used to see on job postings that I would quickly dismiss myself from. I had no idea what they meant then, but I’m starting to get a very good idea now. Still though, I think I need to reset my batteries with some fresh Atlantic air. I’m a strong advocate for getting outside for a walk when you need to clear your head, but sometimes you need to experience true nature to regain true clarity…

Please God, don’t let it rain.

Read more from this series:

Confessions of a SmartWorking Intern – Week 1

Confessions of a SmartWorking Intern – Week 2