Confessions Of A SmartWorking Intern: Week 7

Confessions Of A SmartWorking Intern: Week 7

7th September 2018 Off By Thomas Murray


Today is the day 🙂  After spending the summer in Cork, I am packing my bags to move back up to the big smoke. Both excited and sad to be leaving friends and family, I can’t wait to see what this adventure brings. This summer turned out to be a lot different to what I had originally anticipated but I tried to embrace every change that came my way and learnt that things in life don’t always go smoothly-  you have to be willing to tackle challenges head on to show your strength. That being said, my internship with Abodoo couldn’t have come at a better time as I needed the challenge to reignite my ambitious spark having felt a little deflated for a couple of weeks. Being able to work from my desk and keep my mind active reading and writing articles, I have a far more positive outlook when it comes to the bigger picture, that is career progression. Tomorrow I’m moving in with my best friend who is flying to Ireland from Verona today, we have not seen each other for a whole year as she was away on Erasmus. Plenty of tea and chats to follow…Team Abodoo are meeting next Tuesday too and we can’t wait to meet everyone again for a good catch up 🙂 Have a brilliant weekend!


The penultimate Intern Diary. Dun, dun, duuuuun!

Things have been good this week with inspiration for future blog posts coming from everywhere. When I started this internship, I was convinced the well would run dry when it came to coming up with fresh article topics, but I was so wrong. SmartWorking is omnipresent, even when you don’t think it is.

For example, over breakfast the other morning, they were discussing childcare on Ireland AM and mentioned how mothers could save by working from home. I never even considered that that could be an issue for us when I started way back in July, but there you go. You learn something new everyday.

I don’t know if you heard, but we were on the telly last night! No, not America’s Most Wanted (but it would be interesting to see how a humble jobs matching website could end up on a show like that). Instead, we appeared as part of a segment on startups for RTÉ’s Ireland’s Rich List show with our co-founder Vanessa telling our story and describing the challenges startups often face. It’s a good feeling when the project you’ve been working on gets the positive exposure it deserves.


Hello everyone!

In the beginning of the week I was feeling a bit claustrophobic being stuck inside the house. One of the advantages of being able to work from home is saving money and I always end up cooking at home, which I think is really incredible. Especially as a brazillian, I just love being able to eat a big lunch at home.

But sometimes it can be a rather lonely process. That’s why I love the days I work in the coworking hub. First, because of the coffee machine, which is helping with my newfound addiction to cappuccinos! And also for the company, because most of the time I find myself working with Louise on the infographics for Aboodo. The creative process can be a bit difficult, so it’s always good to have someone to discuss some ideas with.

It’s good to have both options. It’s a good balance.