Confessions of a SmartWorking Intern: Week 4

Confessions of a SmartWorking Intern: Week 4

17th August 2018 Off By Thomas Murray

Well hello there! This week we’re back in action with a snapshot of a typical SmartWorking day. We often talk about how much we love the days we’re SmartWorking, but sometimes it can be hard to imagine unless you get a clear picture of what it’s really like. So, let us take you through the daily life of a SmartWorking intern.


Here’s what I did on Tuesday:


8:45am Wake up call!

  •  My favourite Nespresso, ‘Ristretto’, with a bowl of granola. Yaaas. My family are away for the week so I have been the lucky trusted nominee to look after my little brother’s hamster. He goes by the name of Mr. T. He was well fed, I can tell you that!
  •  At 9:30am I joined the daily Zoom Call. I always find these extremely helpful to catch up and get a clear idea of what you need to do for that day. I often think of ideas and jot them down- it’s the best way to keep on top of things when SmartWorking!
  •  Made another cuppa, replied to emails and began working on a report paper.


  • Hungry again. Lunch time it was. Had some smoked salmon and Philadelphia leftover so I had those with crackers and an orange juice. Sometimes I really have to remind myself to drink things other than tea’s and coffee’s… :/
  • Went to the shop to get a few groceries, then to the post office. The usual, “bits and pieces”, that take up an hour of your day but once they’re can relax!
  • Came back to the office and wrote a blog post, edited another and had a quick look at updating a  marketing report. Researched some articles for next week and did a little SWOT analysis.


  • Made bolognese for dinner and went for a walk on Garryvoe beach. It wasn’t the warmest but the breeze was good to clear the head and take a break from the screens.
  • Back to have one last cuppa tea before hitting the hay for the next day. P.S- if you’ve any suggestions for good Netflix series..please send them my way!  I’m all out…


A typical SmartWorking day for me? Let me see…


  • If it’s a Tuesday or Thursday I try to wake up at 6.30am to get to the gym. But if I’m feeling particularly lazy or tired, I’ll likely switch the alarm to 7.30 and promptly fall back asleep.
  • Now that I’ve missed the class at the gym, I’ll force myself to go anyway and attempt a workout, despite not knowing what half the exercises and machines I use are called.
  • Get home at 8.45ish. Shower, make breakfast and go to my desk.
  • Look over a few bits and pieces and scribble a rough to-do list for the day.
  • Usually there’s a video call with the team at 9.30, which means a few more bullet points are added to the list.

Afternoon/ Lunch

  • I rummage through the cupboards and fridge and throw together a sandwich or something.
  • I like to watch TV or YouTube videos while I eat. Lately it’s been That Mitchell and Webb Look on Netflix. Funny, easy-viewing that gets my head out of the work mindframe.
  • Then I’ll head back to the desk and jump back into the latest blog post or project.


  • Dinner with the fam. Can’t go wrong there.
  • If the weather is good, I bring the dog for a walk to a nearby field with a river. I’ve never seen a land-based mammal take to water quite like my dog. He loves it.
  • Get home and fire up the Playstation to play a few games of Fortnite with my mates like the twelve-year-old boy I am (I’m twenty-five).
  • Read until I fall asleep (only takes ten minutes these days).


Hello everyone! (That seems like a good way to start).

As a Brazilian, I would say that a normal day in my country starts with a big breakfast and long hours of comute. Hours and hours spent inside a car just to drive a few miles.

There are few opportunities for work in Brazil. The chance to improve speaking English and have a better quality of life is what drew my attention to make an exchange to Ireland. After a few months of adaptation, I finnaly got my visa and I started to search for work experience. And that’s how I ended up on an internship at Abodoo.

It’s been a interesting experience having a flexible schedule. I am more used to working in big offices, having to work from Monday to Friday and losing a big part of my routine trying to arrive at my workplace and trying to go back home afterwards. It can be really frustrating.

I am still getting used to having a flexible Schedule, as it’s a challenge to organize your weekly Schedule, but it’s a refreshing  experience.

Read more from this series:

Confessions of a SmartWorking Intern – Week 1

Confessions of a SmartWorking Intern – Week 2

Confessions of a SmartWorking Intern – Week 3