The Future of SmartWorking
In 2018, people live in an increasingly congested, professionally overpopulated world but are experienced with the benefits of collaborating over the internet.
Before learning and developing online was novel — now it is an accepted, largely accredited medium that we train with regularly. Now, online learning is inexorably part of the academic experience, whether you attend a university or accelerated learning course.
Companies like Buffer, Abodoo and GitHub are remote and hybrid only, while many other companies are implementing remote into their strategy to attract and retain the best talent globally. Large enterprises such as Amazon and Wells Fargo have adopted flexible policies and utilise co-working spaces to accommodate for employees’ work / life balance.
Case Study
Global software integration company, Zapier implemented a full remote policy and use myriad communication technologies facilitate this. Slack, VoIP and.. Gifs to maintain that community element so necessary for high workplace morale and productivity. Read about their fully remote culture here.
The roadmap has been laid out, all that’s left is for companies to follow suit. Many argue that the fixed workspace will never be replaced but the volume of remote-enablement requests that are being documented has ramped up dramatically in 2018.
Companies don’t want teamwork to be limited to written communications, voice and visual communication has an important place in smart working. Aside from visual and voice technologies, employees are encouraged to connect in person from time to time where possible and to be involved in their local communities from a corporate aspect.
As the streets continue to narrow and the commutes continue to stretch, acknowledging the needs of your employees can give your business a competitive edge.
Part 1: SmartWorking – Introduction, Evolution & Future Predictions
Guest Writer Bio:
Joe Roche is Head of Content at Blueface with a background in journalism (print + digital), digital marketing / programming education (online + classroom) and public relations. Joe is a keen smart working advocate and has written extensively about the benefits of remote working / learning, voice collaboration, and cloud communication technologies.
Connect with Joe if you want to chat about remote working, communication technologies or the Philadelphia Eagles.