Category: Health

My Journey to SmartWorking | Ross Good

9th July 2018 Off

Today’s passionate guest blogger Ross Good, shares his personal journey to SmartWorking. The world is changing. Technology is changing. In fact, the world is being changed by technology. Mindsets are changing. The workplace is changing. Life is changing. In the grand scheme of things, smart working is a relatively newish concept. But not so new…

By Guest Blogger

Life in the Health Lane

12th April 2018 Off

Today’s #SwartWorking Guest Blogger: Veronika Abramova works remotely as a Business Development Representative for an HR Software Company and cares deeply about her health and lifestyle. She really enjoys travelling in her current position and she is pretty much free to take these business trips on a weekly basis when it suits her. Overall she has a very…

By Guest Blogger