Category: Abodoo

Digital Nomad vs Remote Worker

24th June 2019 Off

The typical 9-5 office based work is slowly becoming a thing of the past. More and more people want better work/life harmony. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible, especially if you’re in an office type job working Monday-Friday 9-5, but once you start #SmartWorking, the impossible becomes possible. A new trend that has developed over the…

By Cassie Cain

How to spot a ‘scam’ remote working job

21st June 2019 Off

One of the challenges we have at Abodoo is that candidates aren’t always trusting when it comes to remote working jobs. But why? Unfortunately, the reason for this is that they’ve often been misled previously. They’ve seen a remote working job advertised online and it’s turned out not to be the dream job they wanted,…

By Cassie Cain

Get Ready for the Biggest Careers & Learning Event yet!

20th June 2019 Off

National Careers Service London in partnership with Chelsea Foundation are hosting Careers & Learning Event on Tuesday 2 July from 10am to 4pm. This free event will bring jobseekers, community groups, training providers and employers together for a great day of career and learning opportunities. Attendees can find out about job vacancies and volunteering opportunities,…

By Cassie Cain