How to Help Remote Employees Avoid Burnout and Loneliness
5th February 2019Remote employees are not a rarity anymore. Remote working has become a standard organizational practice in today’s day and age, with companies offering greater flexibility to their employees in terms of working hours and location. A 2017 report by PowWowNow states that 58% of UK workers are offered the option of flexible working. PwC has…
Is Remote Working Key to Employee Happiness? These Professionals Think So.
30th January 2019Employee happiness is key to organizational success. A happy workforce is an empowered and engaged workforce, but the statistics tell another story. A recent study by Wrike found that one out of every five employees in the UK is unhappy with their jobs, which comes to nearly 20% of the total workforce. ‘Meaningful work’ and…
Smart Working Your Way to a Healthier Life
22nd January 2019Did you know that working more than 40 hours a week actually diminishes your productivity? And not just in the short term, but for the long haul too! For years, mankind has adhered to the ‘work hard’ principle for living life. The longer hours you work, the more accomplished you feel. The more physical efforts…
Tackling Blue Monday Through Smart Working
21st January 2019Blue Monday (#BlueMonday) is here and you will find a lot of stuff on the internet telling you how to get up this morning and get your foot out the door with a smile on your face. Beat the Monday blues by making coffee, waking up early, making a goals list, listening to your favourite…