No. 1 Reason Why We Love SmartWorking
Our 12 Days of Christmas Countdown series has officially come to an end.
To celebrate, we are sharing the No. 1 Reason Why We Love SmartWorking.
Vanessa: “I LOVE SmartWorking for the freedom and empowerment it gives me to live my life, have an amazing career and be there for my family when I need to .e.g being at the nativity play today!”
Ben: “My love for smartworking is a simple one. It enables me to absorb more family time into my day and provides me with the freedom and movement to be either at home or somewhere else whilst still able to connect and respond. The biggest time and energy wasted is in commuting. I get that time back to focus and deliver on the relevant stuff. So that actually makes SmartWorking an energy converter!”
Sue: “My favourite thing is avoiding the traffic. Nothing beats arriving at my desk, fresh & ready to work, without the stress of a long train, tube and battle to get into the city.”
Louise: “There are so many to chose from but if I had to chose one thing I love about smartworking is that it gives me back time.. in the mornings, evenings, during the day both personally and headspace for improved productivity.”
Eimer: “To be part of the Smart Working Revolution is to be part of history in the making. My carbon footprint is now a footprint in the sand.”
Valentina: “SmartWorking is the future of work. I believe in geographical flexibility and SmartWorking is the answer to innovation in the world.”
Smitha: “SmartWorking has given me the most important opportunity for my career: time for my family without giving up on my work. What more can one ask for? It’s a win-win situation.”
Thomas: “I love SmartWorking because it gives me more time to explore my hobbies and interests while ensuring I can help out my family whenever they need me.”
Chloe: “I love SmartWorking because it gives me the flexibility to do the, “bits and pieces”, many workers find hard to do mid week due to restricted opening hours. I can make the post, go grocery shopping, attend networking events, put on a wash, even renew my passort- you name it. Saturday’s and Sunday’s are totally stress free and I am rejuvenated for the week ahead!”
Vithoria: “I love SmartWorking because you develop good time management skills and can find a rhythm that works best for you. I also love the fact that I get to work with people from everywhere.”
Lilian: “I love SmartWorking because I have more free time with my family, I’m able to choose my schedule and I can work from anywhere in the world.”
Shivtej: “I love SmartWorking because it gives me lots of free time and I can work wherever I want. Some people say it can interrupt communications, but there are lots of free apps and software available that solve this problem.”
And there you have it: Team Abodoo’s No. 1 Reason for Loving SmartWorking.
We hope you enjoyed this series and we look forward to sharing more with you in 2019.
From all of us, we wish you a very merry Christmas.