52% of Staff Currently Benefitting from Remote Working

52% of Staff Currently Benefitting from Remote Working

29th April 2019 Off By Cassie Cain

Remote working is becoming increasingly more popular and the annual Northern Ireland Salary Survey Report from Abacus Talent Group has revealed that 52 percent of staff are currently benefitting from remote working.

This percentage is an increase on the previous year, showing that the benefits of remote working are becoming more apparent to more businesses.

The legal sector was amongst the highest sectors for employing remote workers or implementing remote working within their business. It was revealed that the legal sector has almost two-thirds (61%) of all employees working flexibly.

In addition to working remotely, the research further shows that almost half of respondents received a basic pay increase last year, while 55 percent received a bonus.

This data comes as no surprise as more businesses are now seeing remote working as the future of recruitment. Contrary to popular belief, research has shown that remote workers are more productive and have better communication skills. Global Workplace Analytics found that teleworkers were 20-25% more productive than office-based employees.

Additional benefits of Remote Working include:

Fewer distractions

Office politics, gossip, and general office noise can often lead to staff being distracted a lot more through-out the day than remote workers. Remote workers have fewer distractions and can just focus on their work without interruptions.

Access a wider talent pool

The biggest advantage to any business using remote workers is that they’re not limited by hiring within a set location. This means you have access to the best talent around the world.

Better retention & fewer sick days

The cost of replacing an employee can be colossal to any business. Recruiting and training new employees involves time and resources, so you want to be sure that new employees will actually stick around.

Remote work goes a huge way to improve this – research reveals that 95% of companies report that remote working has a big positive effect on employee retention – not surprising when you consider that two-thirds of workers say they’d take a new job if it had a better commute!

In addition, remote workers statically have very few sick days.

Reduce business cost

By not having an office, you save on the office costs. However, if you do need an office- by hiring remote workers, you can still save money, as you won’t need to worry about adding more office furniture, expanding or worry about using any additional office supplies.

Increases time spent working

Distractions, unplanned meetings, and running late are some of the many reasons why businesses lose out on valuable working time from their employees. But remote workers don’t have any of these problems. They’re always on time as they don’t have to worry about delayed trains or traffic jams allowing them to put extra minutes into projects.

It’s greener

We live in an age of heightened environmental awareness, and businesses are increasingly called upon to introduce greener strategies into their operations. Remote working can help reduce the carbon footprint of your business, which is why it’s important to consider the environmental benefits of working remotely.

How can Abodoo help your business with Remote Working?

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